Leo Personality Traits

Date Range:
07/23 — 08/22
Ruling Planet:




Date Range:
07/23 — 08/22
Ruling Planet:



Conscious: Creative and artistic. Loud and proud. Infectiously enthusiastic. Bright and cheery. 

Unconscious: Like the regal Lion, Leo can embody the role of royal – and will bristle if they are not treated as such. 

Loves: Drama. Performance. The arts. Feeling respected. Extravagance. Dressing up for any occasion.

Hates: Negativity. Being ignored. Not being the center of attention. Being told to tone themselves down.





As a fire sign, Leo is filled with sparks of insight and creativity and will have a need to express that. Great artists, or at least, art enthusiasts, Leos often have delightful and child-like imaginations. Whereas other signs may be more shy, Leo have a dash of bravery and daring and are admirably willing to be vulnerable enough to share their work, to put themselves out there to the world.


As a zodiac sign, Leo rules over the heart, and that is precisely what Leo puts into everything they do. They love with their full hearts and give freely from it. They are the sign mostly likely to give you the clothes off their back – sometimes even literally. Leos generate warmth and radiance. They want everyone to bask in their generosity, as like a roaring fireplace, they feel like there’s always enough to go around.


Being ruled by the Sun naturally makes Leo inclined to see the brighter side of even the toughest and trickiest situations. If there is a silver lining to be had, Leo will certainly find it – and emphasize it, as they are inclined towards positivity and optimism. Like the Sun, when a Leo is enthusiastic about something, they can be infectiously beaming.





Nothing will get in Leo’s own way quicker than their own deep sense of pride. While they can often be too proud to apologize, this Fixed Fire sign can also be too stubborn to acknowledge when they’ve made a mistake. They will stay in a troublesome relationship or unfulfilling job because they bristle at anyone else being able to say, “I told you so,” to them.


If there is a mirror nearby, Leo cannot help but take a glance – or two. Leo energy can often manifest as being status conscious – they want to feel the best, be surrounded by the best, and be told that they’re the best. Even if that comes at the exhaustion of their family and friends who may not understand the depths of Leo’s need for validation.


Leo didn’t just go to a party. They went to the hottest party. Leo didn’t just get accepted to their choice of graduate program. They were asked to attend the best school in the universe. Everything with Leo can tend towards hyperbole – or at least will be described in very superlative and dramatic fashion. They cannot help themselves, even when their version of events defies credulity.





If it’s not a soap opera kind of love, Leo just doesn’t want it. Leo will stop nothing short of an epic romance, the kind you might read about in the history books – or at least, the kind of steamy love affair you might find in the pages of a paperback romance novel. Being able to regale their friends with the latest gossip on their love life gives Leo great pleasure – as they love being in love and love being at the center of the drama even more.


Even if you’re meeting a Leo for a weekend brunch or coffee date, don’t expect them to show up in anything less than a ballgown, even after you’ve told them the dress code is casual. Formal wear is casual wear to a Leo – as they like the opportunity to dress up for any kind of event or occasion. Expect them to be gracious and careful listeners – they are big-hearted after all – but do make time for them to perform a bit for their adoring crowd as they recall events from their lives as stories and high dramas. It’s at least guaranteed to be an amusing story!


With such regal qualities inherent to their sign, you will often find Leos quickly assuming positions of authority – even if their titles don’t reflect that. They are reliable and dependable employees and can take on heavy workloads – but they do not like their work or decisions being questioned. As employees, they like praise and admiration and may require constant (and positive) feedback in order to feel like they are shining.

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