Virgo and Capricorn




Both Virgo and Capricorn are Earth signs and should work great together as a romantic partnership in every sense of the term. As earthly beings, these two signs crave stability, security, and loyalty.




Virgo and Capricorn

at a glance

Shared Activities
Shared Activities

Key Takeaways for Virgo and Capricorn

They will admire each other’s reliability and dependability, and feel secure in their relationship. Capricorns will express their desires and needs more readily than a reserved Virgo. A Virgo is more likely to keep their passions hidden, and will not allow their emotions to come to the surface unless they feel completely safe. Capricorn will need to be patient with their Virgo partner in order for this relationship to thrive. 

Gift Areas: This will be a drama-free relationship rooted in stability, security, and loyalty. 

Growth Areas: Two unemotional signs coming together can necessitate efforts to up the passion. 

Sexual Chemistry: Foreplay will play a big role for these two Earth signs in the bedroom. 

Advice: Don’t let mutual shyness get in the way of a successful relationship. 

Gift Areas for Virgo and Capricorn

 Virgo and Capricorn have great compatibility. They are Earth signs who seek devotion, loyalty, and security in their romantic relationships. This relationship will be rooted in respect and stability, and trust will not be an issue once these two are fully committed. One can expect a Virgo-Capricorn relationship to be drama-free, as both of these signs are calm and rational. 

Growth Areas for Virgo and Capricorn

 This relationship needs time for deep emotions to grow, as both Virgo and Capricorn are considered unemotional signs. This lack of emotion can lead to lack of passion in the long run. But should both Virgo and Capricorn learn to communicate their feelings with their partners, developing red-hot intensity is attainable. 

 With that said, Capricorn is much better at verbalizing their needs and desires than the reserved Virgo. Capricorn will need to be patient as their Virgo partner takes time to be vulnerable. While that is often the Capricorn’s role in other relationships, with a Virgo, the Capricorn will be the more emotional one. 


Sexual Chemistry for Virgo and Capricorn

Virgo and Capricorn are not known for being aggressive in the bedroom, but that doesn’t mean these two are not compatible. Sensuality and foreplay will be huge for these two, as they both need time to get to know each other before they feel fully comfortable between the sheets. Once they’re ready to be vulnerable with each other, their sexual chemistry is off the charts. 

How to Make it Work for Virgo and Capricorn

 These Earth signs are grounded, practical, and a little shy. They each desire security and commitment, and are incredibly loyal to their partners. As two introverts with hearts of gold, these two signs will make a great pair getting to know each other during quiet nights in. 

 Because both of these signs are on the shy side, it may take some work to find passion in the bedroom. Don’t take each other’s reservations as red flags, but rather as signs that both Virgo and Capricorn lovers are trying to discover each other on an emotional level before getting physical.