Taurus and Virgo
Taurus and Virgo are both earth signs. Taurus is a fixed sign ruled by Venus (love and sensuality) and Virgo is a mutable sign ruled by Mercury (communication and ideas).
Taurus and Virgo are both earth signs. Taurus is a fixed sign ruled by Venus (love and sensuality) and Virgo is a mutable sign ruled by Mercury (communication and ideas).
Together these two can create a stable, steady, practical and loving duo. So long as both are willing to open all the way up, and don’t take one another too seriously.
Gift Areas: They will encourage, love, and admire one another.
Growth Areas: Issues between these two are often misunderstandings, and with awareness can be avoided.
Sexual Chemistry: These two have a touching chemistry.
Advice: Don’t allow things to get too heavy.
Both Taurus and Virgo are slow and deliberate, so they will understand this in the other. However, their reasons for moving slowly are different. Taurus needs to take pleasure along the journey of life, but for Virgo, they are more fearful of being hurt or making a wrong move.
Taurus swoops into Virgo’s life like a god/goddess. They help Virgo feel safer in life. Taurus provides the type of stability and security they always wanted but never thought was possible. Virgo will place Taurus on a pedestal and do their best to honor their Taurus’ wants and needs.
Taurus will respect Virgo’s intelligence and skills. Taurus will see Virgo as a quality life partner and so will settle in for the long run.
This will be a connection founded on genuine love and respect for the other.
Virgo is the most analytical sign of the zodiac. Unfortunately this presents outwardly as Virgo being overly critical. Virgo doesn’t mean to criticize people in a hurtful way, they mean to be helpful. But Taurus might not appreciate it, and even if they can forgive it, they may sometimes end up wounded.
For Taurus, it is important that they do not withdraw emotionally from Virgo. Virgo will take this to heart and it will begin to wear away at the trust Virgo has in Taurus.
Overall, there is a possibility that these two will take one another too seriously. If they do they will begin to lose faith in the relationship and both will begin to withdraw.
Taurus and Virgo have an earthy and loving sexual connection. Taurus will help shy Virgo open up by creating a safe and warm environment for them. Taurus often helps Virgo overcome body insecurities and inhibitions around sex.
Taurus will appreciate this because Taurus values intimacy. Watching Virgo open up will be demonstrative of their intimacy. Once Virgo does open up, Taurus and Virgo will explore this intimacy more and more. They can transcend into a spiritual connection where they have their own sexual language and are both fully satisfied.
It cannot be overstated, both need to not take things too seriously. This could be a heavy match (double earth), but it doesn’t have to be. It can also be easy.
Taurus and Virgo should find the things they enjoy doing together (cooking, taking walks in nature, etc), and form rituals around those. They should also find ways to escape the routine at times, perhaps through travel.
Virgo, try not to be critical, let Taurus be. Taurus, do not stonewall Virgo, once a Virgos trust is lost, it cannot be restored.