Taurus and Sagittarius




Taurus and Sagittarius are of two different elements, earth and fire, respectively. And Taurus is ruled by lovely Venus, and Sagittarius by lucky Jupiter.




Taurus and Sagittarius

at a glance

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Key Takeaways for Taurus and Sagittarius Match

On paper, slow and steady Taurus doesn’t seem to have all that much in common with world traveler Sagittarius. But the truth is, Taurus and Sagittarius have a great deal to learn from one another. 

Gift Areas: These two provide each other with a brighter outlook on life and stability. 

Downside: If these two are not clear about their needs, then things could get messy.

Sexual Chemistry: If Sagittarius can slow down and Taurus can speed up, they could meet each other in the blissful middle.

Advice: Be clear on your boundaries.

Gift Areas for Taurus and Sagittarius

Taurus can be a heavy energy on its own, being of the earth. But with Sagittarius, their energy seems to brighten up. Taurus is warmed by Sagittarius’ energy. And because they are both ruled by benefic planets, they can find much joy in the world together.

When these two come together on their ideas for a better world, they find the other charming and interesting. If these two establish a friendship before getting romantic, they could have the time to understand one another enough to have a stable romantic relationship. In either case, at best, Taurus and Sagittarius will find themselves involved in a warm, light-hearted connection.

Growth Areas for Taurus and Sagittarius

Sagittarius has a great need for space and freedom. And well, they aren’t known to be the most faithful of the zodiac. This isn’t because they seek to be hurtful, but because they crave variety. But for Taurus, this will not fly. 

Taurus might demand more time and attention from Sagittarius than they can give initially. And if Taurus doesn’t make their boundaries clear, Sagittarius might think nothing of taking other lovers. But if Taurus lets it be known they won’t tolerate that, and Sagittarius loves Taurus enough, they will respect their wishes.

Sexual Chemistry for Taurus and Sagittarius

There is a difference in pacing in the bedroom. Sagittarius is quick and sometimes more focused on their own enjoyment than that of their partner. Taurus however, believes that pleasure should be given just as much as it is received. Taurus could help Sagittarius slow down in this regard and take greater pleasure in the act of giving pleasure. 

Sagittarius’ ruler Jupiter could also meet Taurus’ ruler of Venus and these two could find that they have an expansively blissful experience. It could go either way for these two. But so long as there is mutual respect, they are both likely to be open to the other's needs.

How to Make it Work for Taurus and Sagittarius

Taurus and Sagittarius are a surprisingly warm and lovely match. So long as they are clear on who they are in a relationship with. 

If both go into the relationship expecting the other to be like them, and to hold the same values and boundaries as them, they’d be sorely mistaken. It will be paramount for both to lay their cards on the table in the beginning.

Taurus, let Sagittarius know that infidelity, or excessive flirting around is out of the question for you. But with that understood by Sagittarius, Taurus must then agree to give them the space they need to explore the world.

If these two can accept one another, they could have a very interesting and fun relationship that provides the other with the balance they need.