Taurus and Pisces




Taurus and Pisces form a dreamy and loving couple. Taurus is of the earth element, and Pisces of water.




Taurus and Pisces

at a glance

Shared Activities
Shared Activities

Key Takeaways for Taurus and Pisces

These elements work well together and often lead to a strong foundation. Taurus will be a stable and reliable partner to Pisces. Pisces will be a soft, gentle lover to Taurus. They will each value what the other brings to the table. So long as Taurus can make room for the flexibility that Pisces needs in life, these two can have a deeply spiritual connection that could inspire them both to express their best selves in love.

Gift Areas: They will have a connection that transcends words and allows them to get lost in each other.

Growth Areas: Pisces could grow bored with Taurus’ insistence on doing the same things over and over. 

Sexual Chemistry: Both are lovers of pleasure and they are likely to get lost in each other sexually.

Advice: Learn to be flexible and conscious of one another’s sensitivities.

Gift Areas for Taurus and Pisces

These two will have a magical and mystical union. Taurus is ruled by Venus (love) and Pisces by Jupiter (the spiritual) and Neptune (dreams and illusions). They both have great appreciation for art and beautiful things. 

They will find in one another the things they always wanted from a partner. Taurus will be stable, affectionate, and reliable to Pisces. Taurus will see Pisces as this enigmatic being who opens their world to other realms. Both will want to shower the other with love and adoration.

Growth Areas for Taurus and Pisces

Because Taurus is a fixed sign, they are of the mind that if something isn’t broken, why fix it? So this means that when they fall into dreamy Pisces’ world, they will grow content with recreating those initial magical moments over and over. 

Pisces, a mutable water sign ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion, will quickly grow tired of this. Luckily, Taurus will be eager to please Pisces so will adapt so long as Pisces lets them know it’s needed.

Another issue could arise if Taurus isn’t considerate enough of Pisces sensitivities. If Taurus doesn’t acknowledge Pisces feelings, then Pisces could begin to see Taurus as a brute. But, again, the love these two share usually allows them to see the best in one another rather than the worst. 

Sexual Chemistry for Taurus and Pisces

Taurus and Pisces will come together to make magic in the bedroom. Because they both value pleasure. They will take each other to new heights. Pisces dreamy, consuming, spiritual approach to sex will allow Venus ruled Taurus to get lost in their lover. 

While Pisces will find the physicality and grounded nature of their earthy lover to be sensuous and invigorating. 

Lovemaking between Taurus and Pisces will transcend to the level of two souls dissolving into one dream.

How to Make it Work for Taurus and Pisces

This is usually a highly karmic relationship. And even if things were to not last, there would not likely be many hard feelings between the two. This relationship is founded on love. At its worst, it can be founded on projections, but even then, these two learn a lot from one another. 

These two will have a natural way of connecting. Taurus needs to be a bit more flexible and open minded so that Pisces can flow around that energy. And Pisces must recognize Taurus’ commitment and be honest if their feelings ever change.

Overall, if these two want it, they can develop a long lasting, deeply intimate relationship based on a real sense of respect and love.