Taurus and Leo




Both planets emit warmth and joy. But Venus is more about beauty and love and the Sun is more about fame and glory.




Taurus and Leo

at a glance

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Key Takeaways for Taurus and Leo

Taurus is ruled by Venus and Leo by the Sun. Venus is a feminine planet, the Sun, a masculine planet. Both Taurus and Leo are fixed signs.What this means is that Taurus and Leo do have things in common. They both enjoy being fawned over, and given affection. Both like to be the boss. But it is exactly these similarities that could lead to the two butting heads, or coming together in harmony.

Gift Areas: Both have similar needs in their relationships. 

Growth Areas: If they don’t make an effort to find balance between their mutual need to be right and in charge, they will experience tension.

Sexual Chemistry: Taurus and Leo might debate over who should do the most work in the bedroom. 

Advice: Leo and Taurus will need to lay down their egos to make this one work.

Gift Areas for Taurus and Leo

Leo and Taurus are both warm energies. Leo and Taurus both enjoy being the center of attention. At best, they could both do well to stroke one another’s egos. Leo is also gregarious in their display of attraction for their partner. So long as it is returned, they can be very charming. Which Taurus will enjoy.

Taurus has a certain refined beauty that Leo will find irresistible. They may not always play their hand as elegantly as Taurus, but Taurus will find Leo fun and life giving. The two could enjoy warm and jovial time together.

Growth Areas for Taurus and Leo

The difficulty between Taurus and Leo is that they both want to be in charge. When in dispute, neither is willing to back down as they are both fixed signs. And their arguments could be needlessly explosive. All because they both want to prove their point more loudly than the other. This could come to be the nature of the relationship overall. Each battling for top spot. 

Additionally, after a while, Taurus could come to see Leo as a superficial attention ham and Leo could come to view Taurus as an old stick in the mud. These two will face some difficulty in trying to make sense of the other.

Sexual Chemistry for Taurus and Leo

Venus (Taurus) and the Sun (Leo) come together to make a warm and friendly match. However, it doesn’t necessarily translate into a highly sexual one. If it does, they might again find themselves arguing over who does what and who pleases who first. If made into a light and silly bout, these two could have a playful romp. But if this becomes the norm, they may not find the most sexual satisfaction with each other.

How to Make it Work for Taurus and Leo

For Taurus and Leo to work in a romantic capacity, they will need to accept that they are both bringing leader energy into the relationship and decide when to let one or the other take full lead. 

They will also have to make a light and playful effort to understand and accept the other's nature. If Taurus and Leo can learn to appreciate the balance of feminine and masculine in their warm energies, and to be a bit more flexible in their fixed natures, they could have a fun partnership where both of their egos receive the attention they need.