Taurus and Capricorn




Taurus and Capricorn have similar values on the surface, but at the core, they start to look different.




Taurus and Capricorn

at a glance

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Key Takeaways for Taurus and Capricorn

Taurus is ruled by Venus, while Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. Venus and Saturn have two very separate focuses. Taurus represents pleasure and material gain, and Capricorn values hard work and success. So to begin with, Taurus and Capricorn will both connect on their value for material stability. However, over time Taurus will find that Capricorn’s career is their primary focus. And Capricorn will discover that Taurus savors the luxuries of life more easily than they can.

Gift Areas: Taurus and Capricorn both value financial stability. They can achieve great success together.

Growth Areas: Different values could prove challenging to come to terms with. 

Sexual Chemistry: Capricorn and Taurus could enjoy an earthy connection, so long as Capricorn can open up emotionally. 

Advice: Find the balance between work and play.

Gift Areas for Taurus and Capricorn

Taurus and Capricorn are two earth signs that value stability through material gain. Together Capricorn and Taurus could establish a comfortable life together where all that they hoped for is available to them. 

Capricorn is able to spark Taurus into action. If Taurus has a business idea, or a goal, Capricorn can lay down a plan of action for Taurus to get there. They inspire Taurus to take action on all of their ideas.

On the flip side, Capricorn sometimes doesn’t allow themselves to relax and enjoy what they’ve achieved. Taurus will encourage Capricorn to take off their work cap, and to relax over a nice meal and glass of wine. 

When these two strike this balance, they create a steady, practical, sustainable relationship that works towards success both inside and outside of the partnership.

Growth Areas for Taurus and Capricorn

The truth is, Capricorn thrives off nonstop work. And to Taurus, who is typically seen as rigid by other lighter signs in the zodiac, this can seem uptight! Taurus will do their best to get Capricorn to relax, but it's just not in their nature. For Taurus, relaxing is a necessary part of life.

But if Capricorn catches Taurus napping on the couch one too many times, they will start to see their partner as a lazy lug that is energetically holding them back.

Sexual Chemistry for Taurus and Capricorn

Capricorn is thought to be rigid in the bedroom. But this isn’t necessarily the case. For Capricorn, so long as they trust their partner enough, this is the one place where they can let go of control and get wild. But, this is of course, only if they trust their partner—which Capricorns are slow to do.

The plus side is that Taurus has the patience to prove their trustworthiness. So long as they do, as Capricorn opens up they may enjoy a sensual and earthy union. 

How to Make it Work for Taurus and Capricorn

Much emphasis is placed on these two and their potential for material success. And while this is true, the most important foundation for Taurus and Capricorn will be the trust they are able to establish between them. 

Yes, they can champion each other to professional achievements. But at the most essential, and at their best, they should be a safe haven for each other behind the scenes. Capricorn needs to relax, and Taurus will require that they do, for things to work. And Taurus does sometimes need a push, which Capricorn can provide.

But emotional stability will be needed for these elements to fall into place. So work on opening up to one another. Don’t be afraid to lay your heart in one another’s hands. It’s through vulnerability that you two can build an empire, and a love that can last a lifetime.