Pisces and Capricorn




They start off on a strong friendship foundation, enjoying each others’ strengths and perspectives while slowly learning how to trust each other.




Pisces and Capricorn

at a glance

Shared Activities
Shared Activities

Key Takeaways for Pisces and Capricorn

A Pisces and Capricorn connection isn’t the most obvious pairing in the zodiac at first glance, given the slow moving natures of both signs when it comes to romantic endeavors. Once this trust is established, the door for romance swings open and a love compatibility is easily developed. Pisces is a mutable water sign and Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign, meaning the flexibility and easy flow of Pisces’ energy willingly adapts to the formidable, grounded energy of the capricorn earth sign, and a harmonious union is established. 

Gift Areas: The opposing energies between Pisces and Capricorn are the yin and yang necessary for an honest and deep romantic connection. 

Downside: Pisces is repellant to pressure, while Capricorn struggles with leaving matters “up in the air.” 

Sexual Chemistry: The sex life these partners can share is harmoniously compassionate.

Advice: The earlier big-picture conversations occur, the less likely there will be trouble down the road.

Gift Areas for Pisces and Capricorn  

They say opposites attract, and this couldn’t be more true for a Pisces and Capricorn connection. While it isn’t an instant spark, the attraction starts out as a fond friendship built on respect, curiosity and openness between these signs. Capricorn yearns for a sweet romance, yet their serious and stoic nature often misleads signs to believe the opposite is true. 

Pisces, a warrior for love and a radically emotional being, is the exact romantic energy that Capricorn craves, so beyond the initial friendship stage, these two click on a level that both surprises and pleases one another. Capricorn is grateful to have the flexible, mutable Pisces in their corner, and is free to lead like the boss they are born as and dive fully into their work. 

Pisces, on the other hand, appreciates Capricorn being the provider so they are freed up to dream, fantasize, and openly love their partner in a soft and romantic manner.

Growth Areas for Pisces and Capricorn

Being the opposites that they are, fundamental differences are bound to create friction in this connection from time to time. Capricorn operates with a crave and need for material and emotional success, and borders workaholism much of the time. 

There is no off-switch to the drive that Capricorn demonstrates when going after their goals. Pisces couldn’t be further from that energy, and lives in the moment appreciating the now more than the future. There will be times when both signs feel as if they live on entirely different planets from one another, and meeting in the middle will prove to be more difficult than expected. 

If Capricorn applies too much pressure on Pisces to be practical and forward thinking, they will experience some Pisces emotional turbulence and have to work just as hard to amend hurt feelings. 

Sexual Chemistry for Pisces and Capricorn

What Pisces and Capricorn share in the bedroom is not just physical connection, but an expression of their respective inner truths and deepest feelings. Capricorn’s outer layer might convey a lack of emotion, but Pisces knows how to intuitively navigate down to the depths of the loving kindness that Capricorn is willing to share and receive. These signs awaken the best qualities in each other and share a strong intimacy through deeply emotional and rational understanding. 

Their sex life operates in a spontaneous manner, as Capricorn becomes inspired to let go and live in the moment with their precious Pisces. Pisces can ground their affections and communicate them through physical contact, and over time, this pair makes a perfect blend of stability, trust and emotional excitement.

How to Make it Work for Pisces and Capricorn

There is so much natural harmony between these two signs as water and earth are naturally compatible on many levels of relationship. Neither sign appreciates drama, nor find fighting exciting or motivating. Rather, these two would be willing to share their most intimate secrets and appreciate the luxuries that Capricorn works so hard to provide their loving partner. 

Pisces is charmed by Capricorn’s elegance and prestige, while Capricorn is intrigued by the intuitive romantic that Pisces naturally is. It is beneficial that the relationship starts off slow, because the longer this romance takes to build, the better the chance of it succeeding in the long run. Keeping the communication open and honest from day one is the ultimate key to success for these two signs.