Libra and Aquarius
This pair is an excellent relationship match. They’re both freedom loving air signs. These two will have a lot of fun, as well as mutual respect.
This pair is an excellent relationship match. They’re both freedom loving air signs. These two will have a lot of fun, as well as mutual respect.
Libra and Aquarius are both intellectual, and both care a great deal about high minded ideas. Libra will admire Aquarius’ inventiveness and uniqueness. Aquarius will respect Libra’s concern for social justice and fairness.
These two will grant each other the freedom they crave. However, if there is any difficulty, it will be that Aquarius takes their time committing. Libra is almost always ready to commit before Aquarius.
Gift Areas: Libra and Aquarius match each other intellectually and share similar values for freedom and social connection.
Growth Areas: Libra moves fast, while Aquarius tends to take their time.
Sexual Chemistry: Aquarius will be inspired by Libra's sensuality and open themselves to exploration in the bedroom.
Advice: Do not fear your feelings, or those of your partner!
Libra is socially minded. Libra represents the scales of justice. They care about what is right, and while they may be more passive in their personal dealings, they are outspoken in their pursuit for justice.
Aquarius is also socially inclined, but more so to challenge norms and the status quo. This air sign represents social reform and rebellion. Aquarius is often referred to as the alien of the zodiac, because they are almost like aliens arriving on a planet and bringing into question the less progressive facets of society.
These two can be a force for change in the world. Libra comes up with the ideas around how to right wrongs, and Aquarius goes into the world with them. So in a way, Aquarius helps Libra be more effective. And Libra, being the more diplomatic of the two, can get people on board with their mission.
They are also both freedom loving. Libra is one of the few signs that can truly give Aquarius the level of freedom they need. They enjoy an active social life together. There is much space and harmony in this pairing.
Libra almost always wants to be in a committed relationship, Aquarius is less concerned with this. Aquarius takes their time before making anything official. Aquarius first wants to establish a foundation of friendship—not to say they aren’t doing all the things couples do—but they just don’t label things until they are sure.
To this point, Libra may want to talk about their feelings with Aquarius, which could frighten emotionally aloof Aquarius!
Venusian Libra will show Aquarius how to be expressive in the sensual arts. While Aquarius can be creative, they aren’t always connected during sex. With Libra they will be able to explore and open up.
Libra and Aquarius are likely to develop their own body language in the bedroom. Sex will be an extension of the overall compatibility of this match.
This match naturally scores high in terms of compatibility. They work well together in most ways. If there is anything that could be a source of tension, it’d be Aquarius’ aversion to discussing feelings and/or making things official. Libra will need to be patient with Aquarius to this end. However, it’d also be good for Aquarius to let down those walls holding their feelings in.
Libra is a great match for Aquarius, and the more these two share (ideas, values, and feelings!) the stronger the relationship will be.