Leo and Taurus




Both Leo and Taurus love romance. These pleasure-seeking signs absolutely love being in love, and are all about the excitement that comes with a new relationship.




Leo and Taurus

at a glance

Shared Activities
Shared Activities

Key Takeaways for Leo and Taurus 

They both like to be wined and dined, and taken out on luxurious dates together. But of course, not every relationship is perfect, and these two signs have a tendency to ram horns at times, if you will.  Still, this pairing will be able to rely on the vintage romance they’ve built in times of need. Nothing can replace such caring and yet amorous feelings they hold for one another. Luckily, they have that in spades. 

Gift Areas: They speak the same love language. 

Growth Areas: The vivacious Leo can butt heads with the stubborn Taurus. 

Sexual Chemistry: The fiery Leo will excite their grounded Taurus in bed. 

Advice: Be flexible with each other in order to make this relationship thrive. 

Gift Areas of a Leo and Taurus

These two signs connect well on an emotional level. Both Leo and Taurus are seekers of true love. When they are in a relationship, they like to commit themselves fully to their partner. They value loyalty and honesty in relationships, and seek to make their partners fulfilled. They essentially speak the same love language, which is a great starting point for a relationship. 

Growth Areas for Leo and Taurus

 Issues can arise in this relationship due to the nature of the Leo and Taurus. Leo, the Leader of the Zodiac, embodies a Fire sign in every way. They are outgoing, vivacious, and crave the spotlight. Taurus, on the other hand, are much more down to Earth (after all - they are an Earth sign!) They are grounded, quiet, and sometimes stuck in their ways. Leo’s need for constant adoration and devotion from their partner may not be met by their stubborn Taurus. The Taurus may leave their Leo partner feeling stifled, or bored. This power struggle should ultimately show up in the form of a healthy competition that keeps that “spark” alive for many years to come. 


Sexual Chemistry for Leo and Taurus

Sexually, these two signs are quite compatible. The Taurus is sensual and grounded when it comes to matters between the sheets. They love pleasing their partner, but not as much as they love receiving pleasure. Leo is more passionate and fiery between the sheets. They bring excitement to the bedroom, which will enchant their Taurus partner. Because romance is so important for both of these two signs, sex typically comes once a commitment is established. In order for both of these signs to get intimate with their partners, they have to feel connected on an emotional level. 

How to Make it Work for Leo and Taurus

These two are Fixed signs. They can both be stubborn in their ways, and not willing to adapt in order to make a relationship thrive. This can be an issue down the road, unless either Leo or Taurus are willing to be more flexible. If compromises and radical acceptance of each other can be made, then a great relationship will flourish. After all, these two signs really connect on an emotional level, so it won’t take much work to find a lasting bond! If a Leo-Taurus couple is patient and open with each other, this can be soulmate material.