Leo and Sagittarius




As two Fire signs, Leo and Sagittarius share a warm love together. They both have vivacious and gregarious personalities that make them the life of any party.




Leo and Sagittarius

at a glance

Shared Activities
Shared Activities

Key Takeaways for Leo and Sagittarius

As passionate and adventurous lovers, Leo and Sagiattarius will have an incredible sex life. As two Fire signs, Leo and Sagittarius also have the tendency to butt heads. They can both be overly combative when it comes to arguments, and have hot tempers. When neither partner is willing to back down in a fight, this can definitely cause tension as the relationship progresses. 

Gift Areas: These two fire signs know how to turn the heart on. 

Growth Areas: Leo is a fixed sign, while Sagittarius is a mutable sign. This can cause tension down the road.

Sexual Chemistry: The passionate Leo and the experimental Sagittarius complement each other greatly between the sheets. 

Advice: Compromise and patience will be the key to this fire on fire relationship. 

Gift Areas for Leo and Sagittarius

Leo and Sagittarius are both very passionate, and in tune with their emotions. It’s the Fire sign within them that makes them vivacious and loving. Emotional bonding will come easy for these two signs, as they are both eager to communicate their needs and desires. There is also strong physical intimacy between these two signs, as both Leo and Sagittarius have strong sexual drives. This will make matters between the sheets a great strong suit in this relationship! 

Growth Areas for Leo and Sagittarius

Leos are fixed signs. They are not eager to change for anyone, and are strong in their convictions. Sagittarius are mutable signs. They are more likely to go with the flow, and are flexible in relationships. Sagittarius may find their fixed Leo to be too stagnant for their liking, and might lose interest. It can be frustrating for them that their partner is never willing to compromise, especially as things get more serious. On the other hand, Leo’s may perceive their Sagiattarius’ mutable nature as indecisive, and even passive. These are big turn-offs for the Lion. 

 Communication may also be an issue for these two Fire signs. Both Leo and Sagittarius have hot tempers, and are prone to explosive arguments. Bickering is inevitable in their relationship, especially if neither is willing to work on their tempers. 

Sexual Chemistry for Leo and Sagittarius

Leo and Sagittarius have great sexual chemistry. As Fire signs, Leo and Sagittarius are passionate, vivacious, and adventurous in bed.  Leos are dynamic between the sheets, and love to take charge. Sagittarius are highly experimental, and always seeking to broaden their sexual horizons. Because physical intimacy comes so naturally for these two Fire signs, sparks are definitely bound to fly! 

How to Make it Work for Leo and Sagittarius

Both of these signs love taking life by the horns. They live everyday like it’s their last, and are passionate to a fault. Leo and Sagittarius will have tons of fun with each other, and have an easy time communicating their emotions. In order for this relationship to work, compromise and patience will be key. Leos should try to be less fixed in their ways, and be inspired by their Sagittarius partner’s willingness to explore.  Sagittarius should see their Lion’s conviction and resolve as a strong suit.