Leo and Cancer




When a Leo and Cancer fall in love, sparks are bound to fly. These two signs are emotional, loving, and tender.




Leo and Cancer

at a glance

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Shared Activities

Key Takeaways for Leo and Cancer Match

They seek enduring relationships that can stand the test of time, and feel their life is only fulfilled when they find their one true love.While Leo seeks admiration and devotion from their partner, Cancer seeks stability. Both of these signs have possessive tendencies, which can lead to trust issues down the road. However, honesty and communication can keep this at bay. But the flames of this love will be hard to put out, as a soulmate connection appears to be in the cards for these two. 

Gift: A Leo-Cancer relationship is a cosmic match. With Leo, you have the strong, masculine sign, and with Cancer, you have the sensual, feminine sign. Put these two together and you’ve got fireworks. 

Growth: Both Leo and Cancer are prone to jealousy, which can lead to mistrust down the road. 

Sexual Chemistry: It’s sexual meets sensual in the bedroom between a Leo and Cancer.  

Advice: In order for a Leo and Cancer match to work, working on communication will need to be a priority.

Gift Areas for Leo and Cancer Match

Leo is ruled by the Sun, the planet of the self/ego. Cancer is ruled by the Moon, the planet of emotion. The Sun and Moon make a cosmic match, creating a relationship of masculine and feminine energy. While Leo is strong-willed and vivacious, Cancer is nurturing and kindhearted. These two signs balance each other, each providing their partner with something they lack. Leo will feel security and comfort with their stable Cancer, not to mention the admiration they need from their partner. Cancer will feel excitement and protection from their strong Leo, and may be inspired to come out of their shell. 

Growth Areas for Leo and Cancer Match

Both Leo and Cancer have the tendency to be possessive, though for different reasons. Ruled by the Sun, Leos are driven mainly by their ego. They seek adoration and devotion from their partners, and complete commitment from the get go. Cancers are possessive because they seek security. The Crab wants their partners to be fully devoted to them so that they can feel stable. This can cause trust issues between these two signs, as both are prone to jealousy in romantic relationships. 


Sexual Chemistry for Leo and Cancer Match

Leo and Cancer have great sexual chemistry. As the Leader of the Zodiac, Leos love to take a more dominant role in bed. They are passionate, energetic, and eager to explore with their partner. Born under the emotional Moon, Cancers take a more sensual approach to matters between the sheets. They seek deep emotional bonding and intimacy, and love to give their partners pleasure. 

How to Make it Work for Leo and Cancer

In order for a Leo and Cancer match to work, working on communication will need to be a priority. Because these two signs are prone to jealousy and possessive tendencies, it’s important to set expectations from the get go. Be honest with each other, and accepting of each other’s differences. The Lion and the Crab can make an amazing love story.