Leo and Aries




Fireworks are bound to erupt between Leo and Aries! After all, you’ve got the Leader of the Zodiac and the very first Fire sign coming together. These two have strong, charismatic personalities and love to be the center of attention.




Leo and Aries

at a glance

Shared Activities
Shared Activities

Key Takeaways for Leo and Aries

Fire signs through and through, these two are warm, loving, and super passionate. This has the potential of being a true power couple. When obstacles arise, Leo and Aries will be able to rely on their unfaltering compassion and a shared zest for life. Being able to learn on each other and getting through the hard times in harmony is what really makes this partnership stand out amongst the Zodiac sign pairings. 

Gift Areas: These two fire signs will have nonstop passion between them, in addition to speaking the same emotional language! 

Growth Areas: Fire signs need to be the center of attention, which can lead to competition, hopefully of the healthy variety. 

Sexual Chemistry: Two givers receive a lot in return. 

Advice: Learn to take a backseat sometimes in their relationship, then this is truly soulmate material! 

Gift Areas for Leo and Aries

Leos need constant affection and affirmation from their partner in order to feel secure in their relationship. But good news… so does Aries! These two speak the same love language. They need to know they are cherished, and like to be reminded by romantic gestures. On the same coin, both Leo and Aries are very passionate. They relish a night out dancing and dining with their loved one, and love to spice things up in the bedroom. All in all, these two Fire signs are very similar, and have great compatibility. 


Growth Areas for Leo and Aries

Passion aside, there can still be some bumps in the road on the path to timeless love for Leo and Aries. Both of these strong Fire signs desire to be the leader in their relationships. They do not take well to following directions, and may grow bitter with each other if they like their needs are not getting the most attention. However, by focusing on what brings them together, rather than what may drive them apart, these two are sure to form a lasting love. 


Sexual Chemistry for Leo and Aries

Passion, passion, passion! These two Fire signs bring their all in the bedroom. They love the emotional and sensual components that come with sex, and can be super intense between the sheets. Both of these signs bring explosive sexual energy to the bedroom, and will admire each other’s stamina and willingness to explore. Equally flirtatious and uninhibited, Leo and Aries share an amazing sexual chemistry. 

How to Make it Work for Leo and Aries  

The biggest problem that will arise in this relationship is the fact that both Leo and Aries desire to be the leader of their relationship. It’s important for them to learn that sometimes, you need to compromise and take a backseat in order to let your partner thrive. If these two ego-driven Fire signs can learn to hold their partner up on a pedestal, and not themselves, then this match is truly soulmate material.