Capricorn and Taurus




Capricorn and Taurus make a harmonious and balanced union, as both earth signs bring patience, stability and groundedness to the relationship.




Capricorn and Taurus

at a glance

Shared Activities
Shared Activities

Key Takeaways for Capricorn and Taurus

Both signs are great minds and happen to think very alike, and also approach relationships at a slower pace than many other signs in the zodiac. Neither is willing to settle for anything less than what they want, and luckily, they both happen to want the same things in a relationship. Capricorn will be the natural leader between the two, which is quite alright for Taurus, who will be a loyal and committed partner through and through. With each partner giving and receiving exactly what they need to feel respected and safe, this partnership is bound for success from day one. 

Gift Areas: Slow moving, tactful and grounded, these two signs understand each other on a deep level. 

Growth Areas: There are times when these signs have different priorities. 

Sexual Chemistry: Once the kinks are figured out and both put their guard down, they can indulge in the lust and intimacy that develops over time.

Advice: Both signs would do well by prioritizing their romance as much as they do their careers. 

Gift Areas for Capricorn and Taurus  

These signs enter into a partnership at a slower pace, and share copious amounts of practical and grounded qualities. Taurus, ruled by Venus, is attracted to goodness, love and beauty, while Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, values hard work and their investment of time. 

There is natural harmony between these signs, as they deeply understand each other’s way of life and core motivations, and a stability is developed early on into the union. This match doesn’t generate a lot of energy and excitement, but it does generate a sensuality that merges with their desire to see the relationship through many years. Marriage is highly probable with these two signs. 

Growth Areas for Capricorn and Taurus

The romance between Capricorn and Taurus is slow to start, and with two grounded earth signs, these personalities tend to be quite rooted in their ways. Because of this, it can be difficult to get either one to budge from their preferred spot, as neither are fond of meeting in the middle

It will take some time to nudge both sides into a more balanced exchange of time and attention, which is quite possible once the stubbornness is overcome on both sides. Taurus is more prone to wanting and needing expressions of love, which will be hard to extract from Capricorn who will always be hard at work in the office and clearly prioritizes their job first. 

Capricorn will need to find a way to keep Taurus busy and happy at the same time, to avoid Taurus veering into a jealous state. This could result in frustration, or too much emotional labor, for Capricorn. 

Sexual Chemistry for Capricorn and Taurus

Both signs demonstrate a rigidity when it comes to sex, which makes them a great sexual pairing. When Capricorn and Taurus come together and learn each other on an intimate level, they will both finally be able to relax and move into a deeper sense of their sensuality. 

Capricorn will drop their need to show off for Taurus, who in turn, will let go of their fear of getting their heart broken. Once their slow paced romance finally ends up in the bedroom, the different approaches both signs take to fulfill their sexual instincts might become an obstacle for truly embracing intimacy with each other. 

Taurus won’t initiate or show force, which Capricorn needs in order to truly shine in bed. They will overcome these initial obstacles over time, as neither is willing to give up on the other and will both work hard at understanding the needs of their partner, so in the long term, their sexual relationship can blossom into exactly what each is looking for.

How to Make it Work for Capricorn and Taurus

Both earth signs are committed to success and elegance, and share long term goals such as family and marriage. They both enjoy material objects and elegant experiences, and bring different perspectives of what this means to their partnership. 

Financial success will not be a problem in this union because both are hard workers and big earners. As long as both signs remember to save time and energy to continue developing their relationship as much as they will develop their professional careers, there is very little that can threaten this pairing in succeeding in the long run.