Capricorn and Sagittarius




Sagittarius and Capricorn are opposites, and at first it seems there is very little in common. Sagittarius is easy going, whimsical, seeks knowledge for its own sake, always jumps headfirst into new things, and is typically impatient.




Capricorn and Sagittarius

at a glance

Shared Activities
Shared Activities

Key Takeaways for Capricorn and Sagittarius

Capricorn is detail-oriented, passive, even shy, and is always looking toward the next project.There will be some chemistry here that neither sign will want to let go of too quickly. Capricorn and Sagittarius come into this at two different speeds, so there may be some key differences in play. If they can harness positivity and manage to accept their differences, they can actually forge a stronger relationship in the long run, with so much each partner can learn from the other.

Gift Areas: They use their seemingly opposing energies to their advantage when approaching long-term 

Growth Areas: They should work hard at understanding and accepting these differences to make it work.

Sexual Chemistry: Their effort to get one another’s approach is necessary if they plan to enjoy a sex life together.

Advice: Setting the tone for the relationship early on is the surest way to keep both parties satisfied.

Gift Areas for Capricorn and Sagittarius

Sagittarius brings a very fast pace to the relationship that is dynamic and creative, which Capricorn is attracted to. Once they stop focusing on one another’s faults and look to their respective strengths, they’ll see a vast pool of attractive qualities

The adventurous nature that Sagittarius brings to every date and romantic experience is appreciated by Capricorn, who harnesses a hardworking and meticulous approach to life. What Capricorn can provide materially and financially to this relationship, is very appealing to Sagittarius. 

Growth Areas for Capricorn and Sagittarius

Sagittarius’ scattered and flighty energy comes off as impulsive to Capricorn, who prefers practicality and order. Capricorn will wonder if Sagittarius is able to make the long-term commitment that they want from a partner, especially due to Sagittarius’ flirty nature and lust for life outside of a partnership. 

At the same time, Capricorn needs to methodically think over every little thing, and this is something that Sagittarius won't have patience for. Capricorn also takes a fact based approach to life, and this will irritate the Sagittarius way of feeling their way creatively through life. 

These two signs would do best to work towards a mutual acceptance and understanding in order to see past their differences and go the distance together in romance.

Sexual Chemistry for Capricorn and Sagittarius

Differences in their character can be strangely easy for them to handle, simply because a Sagittarius takes everything in with ease, and Capricorn feels responsible enough to understand their partner and meet their desires as best they can. In the beginning of their relationship, if they share the same desires, they might not see how incompatible they actually are. 

The only way they can remain in a healthy sexual relationship, is if Sagittarius respects the physical, as much as Capricorn loosens up and respects change that comes with their partner’s Jupiter governed Soul.

How to Make it Work for Capricorn and Sagittarius

Neither Capricorn or Sagittarius hangs onto a grudge for very long, so the chance at long lasting love is high. Because Sagittarius is a bit difficult to tie down, Capricorn will need to make it clear what they want early on in the relationship by spearheading the conversation at the beginning of their time together. It’s best for them to find out if they’re going for the same outcomes in life early on. 

When Capricorn and Sagittarius can align their goals, they will find a great love to share with each other for some time. They will also find one that will open both of their minds to the many differences in life that are magical.