Capricorn and Aries




Cardinal earth sign Capricorn and cardinal fire sign Aries make for a highly successful relationship, as both signs are driven and hardworking especially in matters important enough as romantic relationships.




Capricorn and Aries

at a glance

Shared Activities
Shared Activities

Key Takeaways of for Capricorn and Aries

These signs are leaders in their own right, yet have personalities that are the complete opposite of one another. Aries, a quick-witted and creative thinker, is happy doing more than one thing at once on any given day. Capricorn, on the other hand, prefers to take their time and achieve balance in their daily tasks to ensure the highest quality results. The romance will be slow to start, but once Capricorn and Aries find their flow, there’s nothing these signs can’t work through together.

Gift Areas: Both signs are hard-working and value each other’s drive and work ethic. 

Growth Areas: When faced with conflict, neither will want to stand down to the other, but they always find a way to move forward together in the end.

Sexual Chemistry: There’s no doubt that the physical attraction is strong, but sexual intimacy will take practice and patience. 

Advice: Striking a balance of leadership and authority in this connection should be discussed and practiced on a frequent basis.

Gift Areas for Capricorn and Aries

Aries and Capricorn are both focused on similar life values and outcomes, yet they choose to go about getting them in very different ways. Aries is always looking for the quickest, most surefire way to get what they want, and Capricorn is okay with taking a longer route to get to the finish line. 

While initially, these very different approaches to life may cause confusion or lack of balance between these two, they can appreciate each other’s differences because both are highly successful at accomplishing the task they set out to do, and admire the hard work ethic both possess. Their common ground is shared in their visions and goals, and both signs offer romantic traits that they aren’t afraid to express to one another.

Growth Areas for Capricorn and Aries

Aries and Capricorn will never shy away from the challenge of trying to understand each other’s way of life, but at times it can be tricky for these two to see eye to eye. Mostly because of the different speeds they operate at, there are inevitable times when disagreements occur and both leader signs are focused on being right. At times, Capricorn will become frustrated with the impulsive shortcuts that Aries takes to get to the end of a project. 

Aries, on the other hand, will quickly lose patience for Capricorn’s slow and meticulous process. Even in times of total disagreement or resentment, both signs know the value of being with such an innovative and hardworking partner and will ultimately prioritize their love for each other, smoothing out arguments along the way.

Sexual Chemistry for Capricorn and Aries

Both signs would do well by letting go of the urge to control the other, or direct their positions in the bedroom. The different speeds these signs move at impacts their ability to move in a harmonious and passionate direction, with Aries trying to rush Capricorn into bed and Capricorn preferring to take the time and ensure their needs will be met emotionally and physically. 

These signs are intensely attracted to each other, and have a willingness to try different approaches to intimacy because neither will want to give up on making it work. With a combination of trust, communication and persistence, the Aries and Capricorn sexual life can develop into a balanced effort put forth by both parties, and to accomplish this, Aries and Capricorn must agree to find a pace that suits them both equally and listen to each other’s needs and desires.

How to Make it Work for Capricorn and Aries

The Aries and Capricorn connection is marked by strong leaders and hard workers who will give their connection all the energy and effort necessary for success in the long run. 

As neither sign is fond of changing their mind and bending to their partner’s lead, constructive communication will need to be established early into the partnership so when the inevitable rift comes along, they are properly equipped to deal with bumps in the road. 

Designating areas of leadership for each respective sign is a clear way to ensure balance and satisfaction between these two, and at times, one will have to pull back and let the other lead in order to maintain the peace.