Capricorn and Aquarius




Both of these signs bring very different strengths to the table, and each is attracted to the other’s set of skills and life perspectives.




Capricorn and Aquarius

at a glance

Shared Activities
Shared Activities

Key Takeaways for Capricorn and Aquarius

While a lot of differences are at play, their commitment to long term love bodes well for them and they learn to appreciate the kind friendship that is shared throughout the duration of the relationship. Capricorn takes a very methodical approach to life, and Aquarius has an idealism that is very inspiring to Capricorn. When they put their heads together, there is nothing this match can't accomplish.

Gift Areas: These two will appreciate studying each other’s way of being and remain inspired by their strengths throughout the relationship.

Growth Areas: Neither sign is willing to let go of their opinion and way of being, so agreeing to disagree is necessary to move on in harmony.

Sexual Chemistry: Building on the foundation of friendship, these two will share love and trust interchangeably in the bedroom.

Advice: Love and devotion is what keeps these signs together, so to convey that to the other from time to time is the ultimate gesture of love and respect. 

Gift Areas for Capricorn and Aquarius

The bond that forms when these two signs come together is almost impossible to shake due to their respective commitments to making their love match a success. Although both Capricorn and Aquarius go about this in different ways, they are really turned on by this trait in the other. 

Aquarius appreciates that Capricorn is goal oriented, and loves to share in the social status that Capricorn cultivates. Aquarius is unconventional and unique, and Capricorn will appreciate the quirks and intellectual approach that Aquarius takes to life. 

Capricorn is not very emotional, and appreciates how Aquarius doesn't need to discuss every feeling. Aquarius likes the same thing in Capricorn, and will also inspire Capricorn to engage in a dreamier side of life on occasion.

Growth Areas for Capricorn and Aquarius

The strongest quality these two signs share is their ability to stay stubborn in almost every situation where one feels they’re right, and their partner is wrong. Both Capricorn and Aquarius are a little strong willed, and go about expressing this in their own unique methods. 

Aquarius is Fixed Sign and thus not one to budge from what they think, resulting in Capricorn bending their will first, which makes them uncomfortable. Capricorn might find that Aquarius is a little too out of the box, and prefers things to be predictable and stable. Aquarius also does not like to be controlled or dominated, and this only comes naturally to Capricorn. 

If these two signs can agree to disagree, they’ll be able to move past their differences. 

Sexual Chemistry for Capricorn and Aquarius

When earth and water come together, there is a deep appreciation and understanding between the signs that keeps their sex life strong. Neither are willing to jump into bed with the other until their attraction and respect is earned, and when they do, they can both be very passionate

The respect they will have for each other could make them become very good friends and if they manage to find the right way to communicate, they might even build a quality sexual relationship on a foundation of friendship.

How to Make it Work for Capricorn and Aquarius

Both demonstrate strong will which serves their match as much as it impairs it. With strong opinions and laser focus on getting their way, neither sign appreciates feeling controlled by the other and will have to work out any problems that arise from the efforts to. What this match does have going for them is that they both want a long term love that works, and they both have an unyielding devotion to each other. 

Focusing on those shared visions, and taking turns compromising, will ensure this match lasts to the success in love that both Capricorn and Aquarius need.