Cancer and Taurus




As a generally cautious pair, they both take their time in life and love. These two are apt to spend a lot of time getting to know each other before leaping into anything serious.




Cancer and Taurus

at a glance

Shared Activities
Shared Activities

Key Takeaways for Cancer and Taurus

These signs are not known for hurrying into romance. Both are similarly interested in stability, custom, and familial ties. They are also great at building solid and long-lasting bonds.  The early stages of their relationship may be marked by subtle signals. As soon as they’ve determined their compatibility, things will be made much more open and clear. This water and earth match will certainly rank high on the romantic compatibility meter.

Gift Areas: Both will love their mutual appreciation for a strong domestic foundation.
Growth Areas: Overcoming stagnation may become the key to this match.
Sexual Chemistry: Taking note of the other’s needs will help in their lovemaking.
Advice: Together they will lay the foundation for a lasting connection.

Gift Areas for Cancer and Taurus

There are many commonalities between Cancer and Taurus, which will work to this relationship’s benefit. In essence, they want the same things: a happy home life and domestic security. They will always gladly work, both together and individually, to make sure each other’s lives are pleasant

A strong foundation, both emotionally and financially, is key with both sun signs. Cancer's emotionality will help ground Taurus even further. Taurus will be the pragmatic addition to this union, which will shroud Cancer in much needed warmth and security. Friends will be sure to find the Cancer/Taurus home welcoming and comfortable.

Growth Areas for Cancer and Taurus

A Taurus/Cancer relationship will suffer if they enter a period of stagnation, which is possible as Cancer has a lazy side; when in their comfort zone, they may find it difficult to find their get up and go, which may be detrimental to their progress. 

Both sun signs may also become too possessive over one another. Cancer may expound too frequently about feelings, which may become a turnoff for more reticent Taurus. Small fights started by Cancer may begin to shut the bull down. Both sun signs are notoriously stubborn and are equally difficult to sway. Cancer feels the need to maintain control of the relationship, while Taurus remains committed to truth.

Sexual Chemistry for Cancer and Taurus

Both Taurus and Cancer will find a connection through their shared sexuality. The bull’s firm hands have the potential to set liquidy crab on fire. With these two, everything will come from a place of passion and romance.

Taurus’s slow and sensual style of lovemaking will be perfect for Cancer’s sentimentality. In return, Cancer may want to light candles and turn on sexy music. This will really get this erotic match going. 

Taurus is known as the sign of physical pleasure. With Cancer it would do them well to approach sex using their senses, and not merely physicality. This will appeal to Cancer’s emotional nature and encourage more healthy intercourse.

How to Make it Work for Cancer and Taurus

This love match has the potential for extreme compatibility, but both Cancer and Taurus may need to relinquish their desire for control. Taurus should work hard to release grudges against their Cancer partner, or else resentment may build. Conversely, Cancer should pull back from using their emotionality to manipulate their partner. Honesty is definitely key with Taurus, and the bull will be more than willing to comply with their love. 

When they fall in love, Cancer and Taurus are gentle and considerate of one another.  Even with potential obstacles in their way, this love match will choose to forgive and forget.