Cancer and Sagittarius
This relationship pair may prove to be glitchy and generally incompatible. These two sun signs are known opposites but can make it work.
This relationship pair may prove to be glitchy and generally incompatible. These two sun signs are known opposites but can make it work.
While Cancer prefers to remain close to home, Sagittarius wants to explore the world. Typically, Cancer and Sagittarius have differing desires and ambitions. Sagittarius is always on the move, eyes peeled in search of something new. Conversely, Cancer prefers the security of a partner who is guaranteed to be available to them. Sagittarius may struggle to provide Cancer with such stability. With time, Sag may become frustrated with Cancer’s possessiveness. These two love quite differently.
Gift Areas: There will be success when they remain flexible.
Growth Areas: Neither is good with compromise.
Sexual Chemistry: They each bring something special to the bedroom.
Advice: Patience is key.
If the Sag and Cancer maintain their flexibility, there may be enough love to embrace. Both Sagittarius and Cancer enter the relationship with a plethora of gifts. Cancer, for instance, admires Sagittarius’s sense of adventure and may be inspired to explore their sense of freedom. Sagittarius loves the open emotionality that Cancer provides. Sagittarius is also known for their charm and sexiness, two attributes Cancer readily falls for.
With this pair, Cancer will enjoy being the dominant partner. Mutable Sagittarius is fine with this arrangement and may even find themselves turned on by Cancer’s power. Cancer will find Sagittarius’s energy interesting and will seek to travel the world with their adventure seeking partner. Their similar enthusiasm will relieve any negativity they may display. At the end of the day, they will discover peace in each other’s arms.
Unfortunately for Cancer and Sagittarius, these very different signs may struggle to find middle ground. Neither are good with compromise.
Cancer may be on the more controlling side, a trait Sagittarius is incapable of accepting. Although laidback, Sagittarius is a hard worker and may become frustrated with Cancer’s lazy work ethic. Additionally, Sagittarius’s quick temper may be too fiery for sensitive Cancer. Conversely, Sagittarius immensely dislikes drama. When Cancer becomes too emotional Sag may see this as a weakness and feel turned off.
Sagittarius tends to be more sociable than Cancer, who may find it hard to understand Sag’s gregarious spirit. Sagittarius may balk at Cancer’s less than friendly attitude.
Responsive and sexual in nature, Cancer enjoys variety and positive energy in bed, which Sagittarius has in spades. Sagittarius will be keen to help Cancer explore and experiment. Their varied lovemaking will quickly reveal how different and yet sexually compatible they are.
For Sagittarius, sex is like a sport, while Cancer prefers intimacy. Although they may approach sex differently, the experience is guaranteed to be pleasurable. Cancer and Sagittarius may discover an interesting shared sexual language that will take them both by surprise. Once trust has been established, Sagittarius will add spice to their sex life. Cancer will most likely bring an emotionality that may make their partner feel special.
In order to prosper as a couple, these two should remain flexible and find a common ground. Cancer should keep their arguments succinct and drama free, while Sagittarius would do well to keep away from laying blame.
Although Sagittarius may need extra time to commit, Cancer should use patience. When troubles arise, Sagittarius is quick to release grudges, which Cancer can appreciate.
With these sun signs, patience is a virtue. They should look for commonalities they both are able to tolerate. It would be wise for Cancer to pull back on their clinginess. Sagittarius is like a caged bird who yearns to be free. If Cancer is able to yield to Sag’s adventurous spirit, they will be together for a long time.