Cancer and Capricorn




For sure success between these two, true love is necessary. If each acknowledges and accepts the other’s differences they are sure to find happiness.




Cancer and Capricorn

at a glance

Shared Activities
Shared Activities

Key Takeaways for Cancer and Capricorn Match 

For instance, sentimental and emotional Cancer must be considerate of pragmatic and realistic Capricorn, and vice versa.
In actuality, Cancer and Capricorn match rank highly amongst other zodiac signs for love compatibility! The strength is in their elements flowing well within one another; a water Sign and Earth Sign match generally bodes well for a long lasting union. These signs supply an abundance of nurturing and love to one another. They are also in touch with each other’s needs.

Gift Areas: These two signs have the potential for a long lasting love. 

Growth Areas: They may struggle with who should take charge. 

Sexual Chemistry: Capricorn will be super turned on by Cancer’s traditional approach to everything outside of their sexuality.

Advice: Success is inevitable with this pair, they will only need to find compromise.

Gift Areas for Cancer and Capricorn Match

A Cancer/Capricorn match is built on a strong foundation.The success of their love is based on a mutual sense of emotional security. Furthermore, their practical and material needs are sure to be met. They will find balance in Cancer’s ability to supply home life filled with domesticity and emotional safety, while Capricorn will act as worker bee, providing whatever the homefront requires to flourish financially. Cancer will gush over their love matches ability to find success

This admiration will add to the glowing love between them. All in all, once their relationship wheels start spinning, it will be all systems go for everyone involved.

Growth Areas for Cancer and Capricorn Match

In terms of what Capricorn and Cancer want in the long term, there are very few differences. Unfortunately for this pair, short term issues may create speedbumps. Capricorn tends to focus on materialism, while spiritual and intuitive Cancer may not appreciate in their lover. Cancer would prefer physical affection over physical possessions. 

Additionally, there may be a power struggle between these two dominant signs. They may need to learn the art of relinquishing power. When conflicts occur, both have the tendency to be passive aggressive. Capricorn may become introspective and distant, while Cancer may choose manipulation to communicate their frustrations. 

Sexual Chemistry for Cancer and Capricorn

Cancer and Capricorn have the potential for incredible nights together. Whether a one night stand or long haul romance, they surely engage in dynamite sex.

For Capricorn, patience and good conversations are key. Cancer offers both in spades! Additionally, Cancer won’t mind submitting to sexually fluid Capricorn. Both will really enjoy experimentation in the bedroom. For these two, variety is the spice to romance. They will relish watching their partner’s passion awaken. They really are the perfect lovers for one another. 

How to Make a Cancer and Capricorn Match Work 

For love success, both Cancer and Capricorn may want to take turns being the boss. Both are born leaders and are skilled negotiators so this rule will come easily to both lovers. Shared vision towards long term goals will surely abound within their loving partnership.