Cancer and Aries




These two signs on the zodiac are destined to barrel down a bumpy road. They share stubborn personalities but can work it out with determination.




Cancer and Aries

at a glance

Shared Activities
Shared Activities

Key Takeaways for Cancer and Aries

In the beginning of an Aries/Capricorn courtship,  Aries may be very attentive towards their Cancer mate. Aries is a protector by nature and Cancer will appreciate this quality.  This union will be filled with much emotion and, because of energetic Aries, plenty of action. Both are born leaders, and are naturally extremely creative. They are also equally intuitive, which may help but also hinder the pair.

Gift Areas: This pair will uplift each other’s differences.
Growth Areas: They may try to control each other.
Sexual Chemistry: There’s instant attraction, but intimacy will develop slowly.
Advice: With these two, compromise is key.

Gift Areas for Cancer and Aries

Both Cancer and Aries are emotional creatures, just in very different ways. While Cancer is sensitive and demonstrative with their emotions, Aries is creative and passionate. Together, they have the potential to be an exciting match. 

As a protective duo, neither will take it well when the other has been harmed. Aries will also be appreciative of Cancer’s ready emotionality, as this sign will never make him guess. Cancer also believes in building a blossoming home, which Aries is sure to love. Cancer will enjoy Aries’s driven and motivated character.

Growth Areas for Cancer and Aries

When it comes to love, Aries may keep their feelings bottled, which may become frustrating for effusive Cancer. Conversely, Cancer's frequent emotional breakdowns and temper flare ups may push drama-free Aries away. Cancer may also use their ready emotions to manipulate their partner, which Aries will readily reject.

As innate leaders, these two may struggle to establish dominance over one another. Heads may butt. Cancer may feel the need to rein in Aries’s independent streak, which can push the fire sign away. When problems arise, it would be wise to spend some time apart, as these two have the potential for volatile arguments.

Sexual Chemistry for Cancer and Aries

In the bedroom, Cancer and Aries may want to work on a few things. Taking note of how their partner feels will result in a happier time in the bedroom. They naturally benefit from a strong sexual attraction. Releasing their grudges and differences will assist in better bedroom compatibility. 

Both signs are fans of rough lovemaking. Aries may have to work on gaining Cancer’s trust before launching into any bedroom acrobatics. This could be beneficial to both in the sack! Once Cancer meets the right person, they feel most sexually free.

How to Make it Work for Cancer and Aries

This match has potential, as both signs come equipped with the energy and desire to make things work. However, both Cancer and Aries should both consider pulling back on their need for dominance. The only way for relationship success is to learn to  compromise with their partner

A positive solution may be to each find areas where they are more secure and take charge of that domain. For instance, if Cancer is more domestic, they should dominate the homefront.  Aries may want to be in charge of activity planning. With these two, working off of one another’s strengths will be key.