Cancer and Gemini
Although this pair may seem like an unlikely match, as one is air and one is water, they are rich with potential compatibility!
Although this pair may seem like an unlikely match, as one is air and one is water, they are rich with potential compatibility!
As long as these two manage the traits that make them unique, very little would stop their development as a formidable couple.Cancer and Gemini approach pretty much everything differently. Gemini are naturally sociable and open to communication. Cancer may come off as more reticent. Fortunately, these disparities can bode well for this match. If they’re able to put their minds to it and make the appropriate adjustments, Cancer and Gemini will learn from each other’s differences.
Gift Areas: Demonstrating love comes easy to both Cancer and Gemini.
Growth Areas: Cancer may not be able to give Gemini the freedom they desire.
Sexual Chemistry: Both should learn from the other in the bedroom.
Advice: If this couple appreciates each other’s differences, they will find lasting success.
The upside of this union is that both Gemini and Cancer are able to provide what the other needs. Cancer will love that Gemini has the strength to act as their protector, while Gemini will appreciate Cancer’s need for domesticity. With this pair, Cancer will act as Gemini’s provider or nurturer. Cancer will be very responsive to Gemini’s love of conversation. These two have the potential to bond very quickly and lastingly.
Both of these signs will successfully spoil the other. Acknowledging each other’s needs and remaining demonstrative will keep this couple’s magic alive.
Gemini’s quick wit sometimes borders on sarcasm, which may easily wound sensitive Cancer. Cancer can also be somewhat of a homebody, while Gemini loves being out and about, flitting from one event to the next. These differences could easily undo this union. Their two different viewpoints could cause severe and irreparable problems.
A clash of emotions would be an understatement with this combustible duo. At their worst, Cancer and Gemini will really go at it. Cancer’s main complaint could be that Gemini is too aloof and tactless. Gemini will however complain that they are forcibly tied to controlling and clingy Cancer.
With this couple, Gemini is the kinkier of the two. When it comes to intimacy, Gemini really knows how to put it down. Cancer should stay on their proverbial toes, as Gemini may quickly and without notice turn from a tender lover to a sexual sadist. For affectionate and emotional Cancer, this may become something which they struggle to accept. Cancer may be set in their ways and have difficulty accepting the sexual side of their partner. Gemini, however, likes it wild and views sex as more than a means to an end. Gemini could actually learn a thing or two from their more sexually reserved partner. Through Cancer they may learn to see sex as more than physical contact, but actually as an expression of love. Cancer, on the other hand, can learn to become more sexually free.
If there’s one thing a Gemini and Cancer couple have in common, it is their joint intuitiveness. Both are also skilled communicators, only in very different ways. Nevertheless, they can make the relationship work.
For this match to work, Cancer will need to learn to develop thicker skin. Gemini generally mean no harm in their tactlessness and are usually joking; their sarcasm is not to be taken seriously. Conversely, Gemini should learn to curb their enthusiasm for snappy comebacks and deprecating remarks.
When this couple intuitively makes an effort to learn the other's differences and grows to appreciate rather than ridicule, this match can have strong long term potential.