Aries and Virgo




When it comes to the notion that ‘opposites attract,’ look no further than Aries and Virgos!




Aries and Virgo

at a glance

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Key Takeaways for Aries and Virgo

Aries are emotional, energetic, and passionate individuals who are the life of every party. They thrive off spontaneity, and can sometimes be impulsive. Virgos are level headed, calm, and detail-oriented individuals who approach life through a rational, measured lens. Unlike the uninhibited Aries, Virgos care about what others think, and their reputation is extremely important to them. In order for these two Signs to make a great match, compromise and acceptance will be key. 

Gift Areas: Aries and Virgo can bring out the best in each other. 

Growth Areas: These two Signs could not be more opposite. 

Sexual Chemistry: Aries are passionate, while Virgos are methodical. It may be a bumpy road in the bedroom at first. 

Advice: Embrace each other’s differences! 

Gift Areas for Aries and Virgo  

Aries and Virgo are naturally very different. Aries are passionate dynamos who seek excitement, fun, and adventure. Virgos are organized, calm, and level headed individuals who seek order in their life. An Aries can bring their Virgo partner out of their shell. They can show them what it means to be passionate, and offer them excitement. Virgos, on the other hand, can offer their Aries partner stability and calm. They can offer them a security that they possibly have never felt before in a relationship. While different, these can truly bring out the best in each other! 

Growth Areas for Aries and Virgo

The temperaments of an Aries and Virgo are almost the opposite. Aries are Fire signs in every way. They are passionate, intense, and emotional. Virgos are calm, level-headed, and can be rigid. These two approaches to life are very different, and can create tension down the road if either partner feels misunderstood. 

Reputation is very important to Virgos, as they care about what others think about them. This can lead to a Virgo being embarrassed by their Aries partner, as the Ram does not care what others think about them. 


Sexual Chemistry for Aries and Virgo  

Aries are passionate and intense, and love to take control in the bedroom. Virgos are more sensual and methodical, needing time to warm up to their partner. This may cause some awkwardness in the beginning for this Aries-Virgo match between the sheets. However, Virgos will offer their Aries partner amazing pleasure in bed, as Virgos stop at nothing to please their partner. Aries, on the other hand, offer their Virgo partner excitement and passion. 

How to Make it Work for Aries and Virgo

With their opposite personalities, on paper, an Aries and Virgo relationship shouldn’t work. However, the stars tell a different story! These two signs can bring out the best in each other. In order for this relationship to thrive, it’s important to embrace each other’s differences! After all, there will be a lot of them. But with compromise, patience, and radical acceptance of their partner, an Aries and Virgo can find an amazing relationship with each other.