Aries and Taurus




If Aries is the sign that represents Passion, Taurus is the sign that represents Love. Taurus are deeply romantic and sensual, while Aries are exciting and impulsive.




Aries and Taurus

at a glance

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Key Takeaways for Aries and Taurus

Put the Ram and Bull together, and you’ve got a partnership that can stand the test of time. A great Aries-Taurus relationship is one where there is balance. Aries offers their Taurus partner excitement and high energy. Taurus offers their Aries partner stability and loyalty. 

Gift Areas: These two signs are very compatible. Taurus offers Aries stability and loyalty, while Aries keeps the spark alive with their excitement and passion. 

Growth Areas: Aries may find Taurus too stagnant and predictable, while Taurus will find Aries to be too impulsive and unstable. 

Sexual Chemistry: It’s hot and heavy for the Ram and Bull! 

Advice: Balance and compromise will be key in order for this relationship to work. 

Gift Areas for Aries and Taurus

Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of Passion. Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of Love. On a romantic level, these two signs compliment each other immensely. The fiery Aries offers their Taurus excitement, passion, and high energy. They will inspire their Taurus to grab life by the horns, and be more adventurous. Taurus, on the other hand, will offer their Aries balance and stability. Taurus will be the Aries’ rock, while Aries will keep the spark of the relationship going. 

Growth Areas for Aries and Taurus 

Both Aries and Taurus like to be the leader. They’re not willing to listen to others when it comes to making decisions, and can be extremely stubborn. This can be challenging if neither partner is willing to back down and compromise.  

It is also possible that these signs’ innate differences can become issues down the road. Aries may find their stable Taurus to be too stiff, and even boring. Taurus, on the other hand, may get fed up with their Aries’ impulsivity and find them unreliable. It will be important to embrace each other’s differences as assets, rather than flaws. 


Sexual Chemistry for Aries and Taurus

In bed, Aries are passionate, fiery, and love taking charge. Taurus, on the other hand, take a more sensual, slow approach. Aries crave physical connection with their partners from the get go, while Taurus likes to get to know their partners before becoming intimate. These two will find common ground in their ability to be emotionally vulnerable, which will make communicating sexual needs easy. All in all, Aries and Taurus have great sexual chemistry. 

How to Make it Work for Aries and Taurus

Aries and Taurus can really balance each other out. Aries offers Taurus excitement and passion, while Taurus offers Aries security and devotion. These two signs are more alike than they are different, making this a natural union between the Ram and the Bull.

For longevity, compromise is key for an Aries-Taurus relationship. Both of these signs like to be the leader, and have the potential of butting heads if they don’t get their way. Take a deep breath and remember that you don’t have to win every battle, and allow your partner to take the driver’s seat from time to time.