Aries and Sagittarius




Aries and Sagittarius have so much in common, they’re bound to make an amazing match. Both signs are adventurous, spontaneous, and have crazy wells of energy.




Aries and Sagittarius

at a glance

Shared Activities
Shared Activities

Key Takeaways for Aries and Sagittarius

They love keeping things interesting, and despise boredom above all else. An Aries and Sagittarius relationship will be full of joy and fun, as both partners try to keep up with the other!

Gift Areas: Adventurous and passionate, these two signs are more alike than they are different, making them a natural match. 

Growth Areas: When it comes to arguments, both of these signs burn hot. 

Sexual Chemistry: It’s going to be hot, hot, hot in bed! 

Advice: Don’t let small disagreements turn into explosive arguments.

Gift Areas for Aries and Sagittarius

Aries and Sagittarius are of the most adventurous signs of the Zodiac. They live for exploring the world around them, and crave new experiences. When an Aries and Sagittarius fall in love, they’re bound to be attracted to their mutual affinity for adventure. Backpacking trips and adventurous hikes will be the bread and butter of this relationship. 

Honesty is also very important for both Aries and Sagittarius. These two signs are straight shooters. They say what they mean, and mean what they say. That will make communication relatively easy between these two signs, as long they keep their Fire-sign tempers at bay. Trust will also not be an issue for these two signs, as they are both honest to a fault. That’s important, because Aries and Sagittarius are both signs that have zero tolerance for dishonesty in romantic relationships.  

Growth Areas for Aries and Sagittarius

Disagreements can turn nuclear between an Aries and Sagittarius. Both of these Fire signs burn hot, and they are not known for backing down in arguments. Aries have a temper that sometimes has them seeing red, while Sagittarius are quick to throw hurtful words at their partner. A simple disagreement may turn into an explosive argument, as neither of these signs are good at managing their temper. An Aries-Sagittarius match is rife for bickering if both partners aren’t willing to take the high road.  


Sexual Chemistry for Aries and Sagittarius

It’s going to be hot and heavy between an Aries and Sagittarius in the bedroom! Both of these Fire signs are passionate, and crave physical intimacy with their partner. They like to be as adventurous in bed as they are in real life, and are willing to try new things. Aries tend to take more of a dominant role in bed, and prefer to take the lead. Sagittarius, on the other hand, are keen on pleasing their partners between the sheets. Sagittarius also tend to be more experimental. Over all, these two signs have strong sexual chemistry, and this will definitely be a strong aspect of this relationship. 


How to Make it Work for Aries and Sagittarius

This match has a lot of potential. Aries and Sagittarius have many similarities that make them compatible for a long, lasting relationship. They both have adventurous spirits, and are naturally passionate and vivacious. Managing tempers will be the biggest hurdle for this relationship. Both Aries and Sagittarius will need to learn a communication strategy that does not involve shouting matches if they want this relationship to last. If these two can commit to not letting disagreements get in the way of their love for each other, then anything is possible for these two. There’s bound to be a lot of heat between these two Fire signs!