Aries and Pisces




Aries and Pisces can make an amazing partnership with each other - in love, in business, and in friendship!




Aries and Pisces

at a glance

Shared Activities
Shared Activities

Key Takeaways for Aries and Pisces

Aries are passionate, intense, and confident. Pisces are intuitive, kindhearted and intelligent. Together, these two Signs can make a power couple that is full of energy and emotion. Misunderstandings can arise between this couple, however, as both tend to be on the sensitive side. Aries’ naturally dominant nature can make Pisces feel like their opinions matter less. Communication will be important for this match to thrive.

Gift Areas: These two Signs’ temperaments compliment each other. 

Growth Areas: Pisces are typically more willing to commit than Aries. 

Sexual Chemistry: With Aries’ sexuality, and Pisces’ sensuality, sparks will fly between the sheets. 

Advice: Open communication is key for this relationship to work! 

Gift Areas for Aries and Pisces  

Aries and Pisces have the potential to make an amazing match. These two signs are both creative, and love the finer things in life.

Aries are natural-born leaders. Pisces are visionaries. Aries is the perfect person to direct their Pisces partner to help achieve their dreams. Pisces offer their Aries partner sensitivity and devotion, which an Aries needs in a relationship above all. While different on paper, these two Signs’ temperaments compliment each other. 

Growth Areas for Aries and Pisces

Aries are not afraid of commitment, however would rather find a perfect match before they consider settling down. Pisces, on the other hand, are much more interested in commitment. They crave a long term partner, and don’t necessarily need perfection.This can cause tension as these two Signs may seek different things in the beginning of this relationship. 

Because Aries tend to take on more of a dominant role in relationships, Pisces may feel as though their opinions don’t count. This can cause resentment for Pisces, as no one likes being pushed around in relationships! It will be important for Aries to be sensitive to their Pisces partner’s needs, even if they don’t verbalize it as much as they do. Aries should be willing to take the backseat from time to time, in order for their Pisces to take the lead. 


Sexual Chemistry for Aries and Pisces

Aries are passionate, intense, and experimental in bed. They like exploring and broadening their sexual horizons with their partner. Pisces are sensual, and deeply intuitive to their partner’s needs. They love giving pleasure, and letting their partner take the lead between the sheets. This is perfect for the energetic Aries, who prefers to lead. Both Aries and Pisces are in tune with their bodies, and believe sex to be an important aspect in their romantic relationships. 

How to Make it Work for Aries and Pisces

In order for this relationship to work, it’s important to be very clear about exactly what you want! Aries should communicate from the get go that they are not willing to settle down unless it’s the right moment. They want to get to know their partner, and make sure this relationship satisfies them. Pisces, on the other hand, should express that they need commitment in order to feel secure in a relationship. Open communication is key for an Aries-Pisces match.