Aquarius and Pisces




At first glance, an Aquarius and Pisces relationship may seem far fetched. Pisces is on the search for love, while Aquarius seeks adventure and would rather not settle.




Aquarius and Pisces

at a glance

Shared Activities
Shared Activities

Key Takeaways for Aquarius and Pisces

And yet, there is actually something that cosmically connects these two signs! The sign of Aquarius exalts Neptune, who is the ruler of Pisces. While different, these two signs are inextricably linked.  Compatibility between Aquarius and Pisces is therefore complex. In many ways, their pairing is an opposites attract phenomenon. Pisces, who is emotional, intuitive, and moody, is quite different from Aquarius, who is rebellious, thrill-seeking, and cold. Yet these two find similarities in their open-mindedness and their idealism.

Gift Areas: Aquarius offers excitement, while Pisces offers sweeping romance. 

Growth Areas: The emotionally distant Aquarius needs to evolve for their  sensitive Pisces. 

Sexual Chemistry: The bedroom will never be a boring place for these two! 

Advice: Verbalize your needs and desires from the get-go. 

Gift Areas for Aquarius and Pisces

The benefits of an Aquarius and Pisces match is what each partner can offer the other. For the emotionally distant and aloof Aquarius, nurturing Pisces offers emotional intimacy, romance, and warmth. While this is not always what Aquarians crave, they may find this kind of affection to be exactly what is missing in their lives. The innovative and curious Aquarius offers Pisces intellectual stimulation. The knowledge-seeking Pisces will find their partner is a perfect match for them on a cognitive level. Both of these signs are naturally creative, and love serving others. Their shared empathetic nature will be a strong connecting factor. 

Growth Areas for Aquarius and Pisces

For the compassionate and sensitive Pisces, there is nothing more important to them than love. They seek romance in all aspects of life, and will be dedicated to their relationship. Aquarius, on the other hand, is not as inherently romantic. They are seekers of adventure and enlightenment, and can be distant to even those they are closest to. An Aquarius may feel trapped in a relationship with a needier Pisces, as though they are not able to be their true selves while in this relationship. Similarly, a Pisces may feel abandoned by their distant Aquarius partner. Both of these signs will need to clearly communicate with each other exactly what they need in order to make this relationship thrive. WIth patience and open lines of communication, these two different worldviews can not just coexist, but thrive together. 


Sexual Chemistry for Aquarius and Pisces

For an Aquarius and Pisces, the bedroom will never be a boring place! The sensual and nurturing Pisces will offer their Aquarian partner intense emotional connection. The Aquarius will bring experimentation and excitement, offering the Pisces a chance to broaden their sexual horizons. The sexual chemistry between an Aquarius and Pisces is definitely a strong suit for this relationship. 

How to Make it Work for Aquarius and Pisces

In order for an Aquarius and Pisces match to work, communication will need to be the highest priority. When an Aquarius desires to be independent and explore on their own, they should communicate with their Pisces partner that it’s not a personal affront to their relationship. Similarly, Pisces should communicate that they desire romance and affection, which their empathetic Aquarius is sure to respond well to. The adventurous and innovative Aquarius is a great match for the sensitive and emotional Pisces - as long as they remember to verbalize exactly what they need!