Aquarius and Libra




Aquarius and Libra will find a great connection with each other on an intellectual level. They love art and culture, and find pleasure in new experiences.




Aquarius and Libra

at a glance

Shared Activities
Shared Activities

Key Takeaways for Aquarius and Libra

These two Air signs differ in the fact that Aquarius is ruled by the masculine Uranus, the planet of change, chaos, and upheaval. Libra, on the other hand, is ruled by the feminine Venus, who is all about balance and harmony. These two opposing characteristics can present a challenge, as they fundamentally seek different things in life. However, with their similarities and shared interests, a great romantic relationship can evolve.

Gift Areas: Aquarius and Libra will be connected by their valorous moral compasses. 

Growth Areas: Libras care about what other people think, and avoid conflict at all costs––Aquarius don’t. 

Sexual Chemistry: The uninhibited Aquarius is an amazing match for the sensual Libra, but a relationship will need to develop first. 

Advice: Patience and compromise will be important for an Aquarius-Libra relationship to thrive. 

Gift Areas for Aquarius and Libra

As Air signs, both Aquarius and Libra are intellectually curious. They are interested in the greater good of humanity, and love serving others. Libras, at their core, care deeply about justice and fairness. They are the Diplomat of the Zodiac, and avoid conflict virtually at all costs. Aquarius, the Water Bearer, is the Humanitarian of the Zodiac. They are natural-born healers with an idealistic view of the world. This shared belief in the common good will be a great connecting factor for these two intelligent air signs. 

Growth Areas for Aquarius and Libra

Libras are Diplomats. They are not interested in rocking the boat, but rather maintaining a balance. They are very stable, and tend to avoid conflict. Aquarius, on the other hand, are quite the opposite. They don’t bother themselves with society’s conventions, and are willing to push the boundaries without fear of judgement. Unlike their Libra partner, they could care less about their reputation. A Libra may get easily embarrassed by their adventurous partner’s antics, and feel as though their equilibrium is disturbed. Both parties should put forth the time and energy to make one another feel loved, understood, and cared for. 

Sexual Chemistry for Aquarius and Libra  

The sex will be great between an Aquarius and Libra…if they are willing to develop a strong relationship first! Libra, who is ruled by the romantic Venus, needs to feel emotionally connected before they can let loose in the bedroom. Otherwise, they can be in their heads. Aquarius, who is very uninhibited, needs to be patient with their Libra partner during this period of getting to know each other. Once they’re ready to hit the bedroom, they’ll find that their styles are very complimentary for each other. The Aquarius will allow their Libra partner to feel confident, and free to explore. Libra will offer their Aquarius partner a tender sensuality

How to Make it Work for Aquarius and Libra

In order for this relationship to work, compromises will need to be made. A natural peacemaker who is averse to conflict, Libras may run at the first sign of trouble in a relationship. It’s important for them to learn that conflict is a natural aspect of romantic partnerships, and actually can strengthen the relationship. Aquarius, on the other hand, should be patient with their partner, as Libras need time to feel comfortable with their partner. 

With some time and patience, an Aquarius-Libra relationship can be amazing. These two Air signs are more alike than they are different, and will find a lot of love and respect for each other.