Aquarius and Leo




Aquarius and Leo are both the main characters in their life stories; both Aquarius, the Adventurous, and Leo, the King, are main attractions. These two ambitious and driven individuals will find companionship with each other through respect and admiration.




Aquarius and Leo

at a glance

Shared Activities
Shared Activities

Key Takeaways for Aquarius and Leo

These two ambitious and driven individuals will find companionship with each other through respect and admiration. Driven, intelligent, and rebellious, an Aquarius-Leo relationship can be an amazing match.Issues can arise due to the fact that both Aquarius and Leo are leaders. A competitive nature can evolve between these two signs, which can cause conflict. Nevertheless, this can also prove to be a great asset for the relationship if it is embraced! Especially in the bedroom… 

Gift Areas: With their ambitious natures and idealistic point of views, Aquarius and Leo have a lot of similarities. 

Growth Areas: Trust issues can arise for these two, as well as the inability to commit to something long term. 

Sexual Chemistry: It’s gonna be hot and heavy for these two between the sheets! 

Advice: Stop looking for exits, and start looking at your relationship as something worthy of your time! 

Gift Areas for Aquarius and Leo

 Both Aquarius and Leo are extremely idealistic. They are visionaries who believe in the greater good, and love serving others. The mysterious Aquarius will be attracted to the charismatic Leo, who is vivacious in ways that the Aquarius is not. The Leo will love their Aquarian partner’s spontaneity, and will enjoy the fact that they are always up for change. Their ambitious natures are complimentary, and they will both inspire each other to reach their highest potential.

Growth Areas for Aquarius and Leo

Both Aquarius and Leo are wary of long term commitment. They crave independence, and may not feel compelled to bring their relationship to the next level. Aquarius and Leo can also both tend to be possessive with their partners, which can lead to jealousy. As you’ll notice, these are issues that both Aquarius and Leo share. If they can address their lack of interest in commitment and possessive natures from the get-go, they can create a very strong relationship with each other.


Sexual Chemistry for Aquarius and Leo

It’s going to get hot and heavy quickly for an Aquarius-Leo match! Both of these signs are sexual in nature, and willing to break the routine to spice up the bedroom. Both These uninhibited signs are bound to fulfill each other’s fantasies, and their sex life will likely make their relationship all the more stronger. Sure, great sex alone can’t sustain a lasting love, but the lovemaking between these two does make one think - could it? It’s just that steamy!

How to Make it Work for Aquarius and Leo

Aquarius and Leo make a great match. Equally driven and ambitious, these two signs are always eager for new adventures. The warm and vivacious Leo will bring passion, and the innovative and intelligent Aquarius will bring excitement. It will never be a dull moment for these two! So what’s the catch? Well, getting these two commitment-wary signs to take their relationship to the next level! Both Aquarius and Leo are not eager to jump into long term commitments, as it affects their need for independence and autonomy. In order for this relationship to thrive, both partners need to be willing to put in the work in order to see results. They have to stop looking for exits, but instead start seeing their relationship as a great investment to make.