Aquarius and Gemini




Aquarius and Gemini compliment each other perfectly on a cognitive level. Their inquisitive, rational natures are well-suited for each other, as is the fact they are both free-spirited Air signs.




Aquarius and Gemini

at a glance

Shared Activities
Shared Activities

Key Takeaways for Aquarius and Gemini

They’ll have tons of interesting things to talk about, and will be attracted to each other’s wit, curiosity, and brilliance. Due to the fact that both of these signs tend to be emotionally distant, finding a strong loving relationship between these two may require dedication and focus. Aquarius is always seeking freedom, and is prone to leaving relationships if it’s not serving them. Gemini typically needs a warmer, more emotional sign to keep them interested. Otherwise, they abandon ship quickly too. For this relationship to work, commitment will be key!

Gift Areas: As far as intelligence and curiosity, these two Air signs are a perfect match. 

Growth Areas: They both need to put in the work to make mutual commitment the backbone of the relationship.  

Sexual Chemistry: Verbal foreplay and exploration will make the sex unforgettable. 

Advice: Accept that relationships are not perfect and some days are better than others. 

Gift Areas for Aquarius and Gemini

These two intellectually curious signs will love their partner’s minds. They’ll be attracted to each other on a cognitive level, and will fall in love through wit, banter, and stimulating conversation. For the easily bored Gemini, Aquarians are great because they’ll definitely keep them interested! Aquarius are visionaries, who push the boundaries in all aspects of life. Gemini will love how alternative their Aquarius partner is, while the Aquarius will love how uninhibited their Gemini partner is. 

Growth Areas for Aquarius and Gemini

Aquarius and Gemini are not necessarily afraid of commitment. It’s more that they don’t feel the need to settle down unless they are completely satisfied. That’s why this can be tricky for an Aquarius-Gemini duo, as neither are naturally willing to compromise nor stay in a relationship unless it’s really great. And sometimes, relationships go through rough patches and are not always perfect! 

 An Aquarius-Gemini duo will need to really commit themselves to working on their relationship even through the difficult times. And once they do, they can find something even better than they initially imagined! 

Sexual Chemistry for Aquarius and Gemini

Sexually, an Aquarius and Gemini make a great match.They both love exploring and experimenting in the bedroom, and pushing the boundaries together with their partner. Not to mention, both of these signs are into verbal foreplay. They love intellectual stimulation and dirty talk, and essentially speak the same love-language when it comes to matters between the sheets! 

How to Make it Work for Aquarius and Gemini

An Aquarius and Gemini relationship can definitely work, as long as both partners are willing to put in the time in with each other. They should both understand that sometimes relationships aren’t perfect, and that not every day is an awesome, exciting adventure. And the good news is - if these two can handle the dull moments in life, then they’ve got a partner for all of the exciting moments!