Aquarius and Aries




Buckle up, because an Aries-Aquarius love match is a wild ride––in the best way. This partnership is full of high energy, passion, and creativity.




Aquarius and Aries

at a glance

Shared Activities
Shared Activities

Key Takeaways for Aquarius and Aries

These two signs have generally optimistic and enthusiastic views on life. They both love adventure, and are on the constant search for enlightenment.  Aquarius loves how confident Aries is, and is enthralled by their Fire sign partner’s willingness to explore. Aries is attracted to Aquarius’ aptitude for new ideas, though can get frustrated by their lack of initiative. These two signs are emotional, but in their own very distinct ways. Miscommunication and competition between the two can arise, but this can be overcome through dedication and commitment to the partnership.  

Gift Areas: Creative and energetic, Aquarius and Aries will never be bored with each other. 

Growth Areas: Emotional bonding will take time. 

Sexual Chemistry: With Aries’ willingness to take initiative, and Aquarius’ love of experimenting in the bedroom, the sexual chemistry between these two will be off the charts.

Advice: Embrace each other’s quirks, and learn to open up emotionally with each other. 

Gift Areas for Aquarius and Aries

On the surface, a relationship between the intellectual Water Bearer and fiery Ram may seem far-fetched. But Aquarius and Aries are more alike than they are different. A successful Aquarius-Aries relationship is one built on mutual admiration and devotion, where both partners embrace each other’s quirks. Aries will love the open-minded nature of their Aquarius love, because it offers them new insights to see the world. Aquarius will be attracted to their Aries partner’s creativity and drive. These two intelligent signs will have non-stop humor between them, and fascinating topics to discuss.  

Growth Areas for Aquarius and Aries

Aries are ruled by Mars, the easily-angered warrior. Aries tend to be hot-headed, and are very set in their ways. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, rational and even-headed. Aquarius use aloofness as a tactic to hide their emotions, even though they are actually very sensitive. With Aries’ passion and Aquarius’ aloofness, it may be hard for these two signs to bond on an emotional level right away. But this is likely to come with time. Not to mention, Aquarius is a lover of freedom who does not like to settle down. For the possessive Aries, this may create a problem as they seek complete commitment from their partners. However, deep understanding and trust built over time can balance things out.  

Sexual Chemistry for Aquarius and Aries

For the passionate Aries and the adventure-seeking Aquarius, the sexual chemistry will be off the charts! Aries will love their partner’s willingness to experiment in the bedroom, while Aquarius will be attracted to their partner’s ability to take initiative. The energy and stamina between these two are unstoppable, and a great match between the sheets. 

How to Make it Work for Aquarius and Aries

Even with their innate differences, Aquarius and Aries are very compatible romantically. For a successful relationship, Aquarius and Aries must learn to embrace each other’s quirks. They should try to open up emotionally with each other, even if sometimes it feels like they’re speaking a different language. For these two creatively-inclined signs, finding shared hobbies related to art and culture will be a huge bonus for this relationship! Take a painting class together, or check out a new exhibit at your local museum. Do something that stimulates your creativity, together.